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    How long does it take to get ISO 9001 Certification?

    A three-month timeframe is ideal and consists of three phases:
    Month 1 – Development
    Month 2 – Implementation
    Month 3 – Internal audit & management review
    Fast ISO Certification may be possible if required (eg tenders due) but there are a range of factors that can affect timeframes

    How do I get ISO 9001 Certified?

    To get ISO 9001 Certified you need to complete three simple steps as follows:
    Step 1 Development – build the Quality Management System documentation to meet ISO 9001 requirements.
    Step 2 Implementation – Implement the Quality Management System as documented.
    Step 3 Internal Audit – Complete an internal audit and management review meeting.
    Once that has been completed you can engage an accredited Certification Body to conduct your certification audit. 

    Who gives Online ISO Certification?

    Online ISO Certification are issued by companies called Certification Bodies. Legitimate Certification Bodies are authorised by an overarching organisation called an Accreditation Body who is there to make sure they are auditing to the required standard. There are dodgy Certification Bodies in the marketplace who aren’t Accredited and still issue certificates.

    How long is an Online ISO Certification valid for?

    Online ISO Certifications are generally valid for three years. The Certification Body will complete an initial Certification Audit for the first year of certification, and then undertake a Surveillance Audit for the second and third year. Certificates can be revoked by the Certification Body if a number of Nonconformities are raised at an Audit

    Is ISO 9001 a legal requirement?

    No ISO 9001 is not a legal requirement. Companies can choose whether or not to be certified to ISO 9001 or not. That said, Government and Private Request for Tenders (RFTs) often include criteria related to Quality, Safety, and Environmental Certification. Depending on whether you have a Quality Management System that has been certified to ISO 9001 by an Accredited Third-Party Certification Body may mean the difference between winning the tender and going to contract, or losing the tender to a competitor.